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Yellow and white flowers low and compact in an oval banana leaf basket with roses, alstro, asiatic lilies, ranunculus, cusion mums, solidago, and few greens.
Coral roses, white asiatic lilies and peach mini carnations arranged low and compact in a clear cube with hypercium and assorted greens
Pink stargazers and white alstro arranged low and compact in tall vase. Add fillers and greens.
$94.99All white flowers and purple filler flowers arranged tall and triangular in a white wicker handled basket. Oriental lilies, carns, and eucalyptus.
$99.99Pink and white flowers arranged tall and full in a glass vase. Snaps, larkspur, gerbs, roses, wax flower if avail.
White roses, white spider mums, pink asiatic lilies, and magenta carnations arranged low and compact in a clear cube with queen anne’s lace and few greens.
$154.99Two dozen red roses roses arranged in clear glass vase with greens and no bow.
$109.99Red asters, hot pink roses and pale pink carnations arranged all-around in a clear vase with assorted greens
$144.99Pink and white flowers in a casket cover. Mostly carnations. This is for an open casket so it should cover the top 1/3 but not the entire casket.
$84.99Pink and purple flowers arranged tall and all around in a vase. Purple or pink roses, carnations, freesia (if available), daisy poms, alstro, and montecasino.
Assorted pink and white and pastel flowers in a vase. Larkspur, monticasino, carns, snaps aster etc.