What can I plant directly into the ground in the month of May?
In May, you can plant radishes, parsnips, Florence fennel, a variety of lettuces, carrots, beetroot, turnips, and chard directly into the ground.
Can I still plant potatoes in May?
Yes, you can still plant potatoes in May, but you should do so quickly as they need a certain amount of time to grow. Maincrop varieties like Picasso can be planted without chitting if you're late to the process.
What should I be starting off undercover in May?
You should be starting off pumpkins, squashes, courgettes, cucumbers, different types of herbs like tarragon, oregano, basil, parsley, and coriander undercover in May.
How do I improve germination for peas and beans?
Soak the peas or beans in water overnight, strain them, and then place them between damp tissues until they sprout. For peas, which are frost-tolerant, you can plant them directly in the garden afterwards. For beans, you should further bring them on in a greenhouse until the risk of frost is reduced.
Is it necessary to start all plants from seed?
No, it is not necessary to start all plants from seed. You can source plants like aubergines and peppers from trusted suppliers and plant them out at the appropriate time.
Can I put germinated peas and beans directly in the garden?
Yes, for peas you can, since they are quite frost-tolerant. For beans, if there's no risk of frost, you can also plant them directly in the garden; otherwise, bring them on further in a greenhouse before planting outside.
How should I start off sweet corn and spring onions?
Start off sweet corn and spring onions by placing them between damp tissues until they germinate. For sweet corn, afterwards place them in module trays for further growth in the greenhouse. For spring onions, you can plant them directly into the soil or into pots.
Can I see the Robins that are mentioned in the video?
Yes, there is a photograph of the Robin chicks that have hatched in the author's summer house at the allotment, shown towards the end of the video.