
Enchanted Expressions

item #: 3159
(12 customer reviews)

$54.99  $74.99

$84.99 $64.99
*all prices are listed in usd ($)


Order fresh flowers from Tropicana Florist today and make a statement with a beautiful arrangement of roses. Our website offers an easy way to order flowers online, whether you want to send a simple birthday gift, or create a more elaborate bouquet for a special occasion. We have a variety of different types of roses, including long-stemmed beauties perfect for making a statement, and miniatures that are perfect for weddings or other events. Our experienced florists will work diligently to create the perfect bouquet for you, based on your specific preferences. Give us a call today to get started!



Product Description

Order fresh flowers from Tropicana Florist today and make a statement with a beautiful arrangement of roses. Our website offers an easy way to order flowers online, whether you want to send a simple birthday gift, or create a more elaborate bouquet for a special occasion. We have a variety of different types of roses, including long-stemmed beauties perfect for making a statement, and miniatures that are perfect for weddings or other events. Our experienced florists will work diligently to create the perfect bouquet for you, based on your specific preferences. Give us a call today to get started!

12 reviews for Enchanted Expressions

  1. Jack D.

    The same-day delivery service was a lifesaver for us. The funeral flowers arrived promptly and were as beautiful as we had hoped.

  2. Kevin M.

    Your compassionate service and exquisite arrangements exceeded our expectations. The personalized note was a touching gesture.

  3. Jane D.

    The flowers were a beautiful tribute. Thank you for making the process easier.

  4. Christopher T.

    The sympathy flowers were delivered promptly and looked even more beautiful in person. Thank you for your compassionate service.

  5. Oliver K.

    Your express delivery of the sympathy arrangement was a lifesaver. We’re grateful for your prompt response during such a trying time.

  6. Rebecca M.

    The flowers were a beautiful tribute to our loved one, and the caring service we received was truly commendable. Thank you for providing comfort during this challenging time.

  7. Avery M.

    Thank you for listening to our preferences and creating a sympathy arrangement that reflected our loved one perfectly.

  8. Carter J.

    The same-day delivery option was a game-changer for us. The arrangement was stunning and brought solace amid our grief.

  9. Emily S.

    The personalized note you included with our funeral flowers brought comfort to our family during a heartbreaking time. Your attention to detail and care is truly appreciated.

  10. Oliver M.

    The arrangements we ordered for the service were stunning. The colors and design truly captured the essence of our sentiments. Thank you for creating such a beautiful tribute.

  11. Rebecca P.

    The flowers were fresh, and the delivery was on time. Your service exceeded our expectations. Thank you so much.

  12. Tyler J.

    The personalized note was a lovely touch that meant a lot to us. Your thoughtful service during a challenging time was truly appreciated.

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